EW – Discovery

Exploring Discovery, Invention, Innovation

The Explorer’s Wheel introduces you to a new way of thinking about the world and creative problem solving, which I call “intertidal thinking.”

“Intertidal Thinking” & The Explorer’s Wheel in a Nutshell

  •  Enter the enso and cultivate the Explorer’s Mind.
  •  Select any realm and journey into it with the Explorer’s Mind.
  •  Select any two (2) realms which intrigue you and ask what might be the intertidal relationships of these two realms?
  •  Explore other bimodal relationships.
  •  Now connect any two (2) realms inter-tidally with all the other realms, continuously exploring this question: What are fertile, fresh ways of exploring this terrain? What ideas come to me?
  •  Now contemplate the entire Explorer’s Wheel, and see what connections you discover.
  •  Forget yourself and dissolve into the Explorer’s Wheel, or allow the Explorer’s Wheel to dissolve into you.
  •  Now wait and observe. No thinking! This is a Treasure Hunt! Simply allow space—vast space–for something magical to happen.
  •  To paraphrase Alfred, Lord Tennyson, “You are the Explorer, the hunter. Fresh discoveries are your game; the sleek and shining creatures of the chase! We hunt them for the beauty of their skins.”

Please enjoy linked audio by Julian Gresser on “Intertidal Thinking.”

On the Joy of Discovery/ Excerpt/ Innocents Abroad by Mark Twain

What is it that confers the noblest delight?  What is that which swells a man’s breast with pride above that which any other experience can bring to him?  Discovery!  To know that you are walking where none others have walked; that you are beholding what human eye has not seen before; that you are breathing a virgin atmosphere.  To give birth to an idea—to discover a great thought—an intellectual nugget, right under the dust of a field that many a brain-plow had gone over before.  To find a new planet, to invent a new hinge, to find a way to make the lightnings carry your messages.  To be the first—that is the idea.  To do something, say something, see something, before anybody else—these are the things that confer a pleasure compared with which other pleasures are tame and commonplace, other ecstasies cheap and trivial.

Morse, with his first message, brought by his servant, the lightning; Fulton in that long-drawn century of suspense, when he placed his hand upon the throttle-valve, and low, the steamboat moved; Jenner, when his patient with a cow’s virus in his blood, walked through the small pox hospitals unscathed; Howe, when the idea shot through his brain that for a hundred and twenty generations the eye had been bored through the wrong end of the needle; the nameless lord of art who laid down his chisel in some old age that is forgotten now, and gloated upon the finished Loacoön; Daguerre, when he commanded the sun, riding in the zenith, to print the landscape upon his insignificant silvered plate, and he obeyed; Columbus in the Pinta’s shrouds when he swung his hat above a fabled sea and gazed abroad upon an unknown world!  These are the men who have really lived—who have actually comprehended what pleasure is—who have crowded long lifetimes of ecstasy into a single moment.”

EW – Wisdom

Exploring Wisdom

Excerpts: (c) Copyright Julian Gresser, Piloting Through Chaos—The Explorer’s Mind (Bridge 21 Press March 2013). All rights reserved.

“Take the world lightly, and your spirit will not be burdened. Consider everything minor and your mind will not be confused. Regard death and life as equal and your heart will not be afraid.”

Masters of Huainan


“I have no parents. I make heaven and earth my parents.
I have no home. I make awareness my home.
I have no life or death. I make breath tides my life and death.
I have no divine power. I make integrity my divine power.
I have no means. I make understanding my means.
I have no body. I make endurance my body.
I have no eyes. I make the lightning flash my eyes.
I have no ears. I make sensibility my ears.
I have no limbs. I make promptness my limbs.
I have no strategy. I make unshadowed-by-thought my strategy.
I have no designs. I make opportunity my design.
I have no miracles. I make right action my miracles.
I have no principles. I make adaptability my principle.
I have no tactics. I make emptiness/fullness my tactics.
I have no friends. I make you, mind, my friend(s)
I have no enemy. I make carelessness my enemy.
I have no armor. I make compassion my armor.
I have no castle. I make heaven/earth my castle.”
I have no sword. I make absence of self my sword.”

14th Century Samurai

EW – Future

Exploring The Future

Backlighting Your Future in a Nutshell

(Julian Gresser & Dr. Elspeth McAdam)

Dreaming Your Future

  • Make a list of what you believe are your most important skills, talents, life experience, contacts and other resources.
  • Now find a comfortable quiet and safe place where you allow yourself the time to dream or day dream tell your story; a sacred space for you, a protected place of peace and ease.
  • Now allow yourself to dream what life you are living in 10 -15 years from now, do not problem solve, just dream. Dream a life where— your full creative potential, your creative work, based on your skills, talents, experience, etc. is now flourishing in full bloom in the world—where you have realized A More Abundant Life, as you define it. Just live in this dream for a while as if it is now 15 or so years hence, for example, 2030. Talk as if it were the present.
  • In this exercise drop all assumptions fed to you by the Voice of Judgment. Allow yourself this freedom, if only for a little while. If you hear a voice saying, “Yeah, that sounds nice, BUT….” gently glide past the BUT….here it is not your ally.
  • As you finish this dream, feel how it fits for you. If any part does not fit or feels uncomfortable – just drop it, discard it and dream again. Dreams are transitory, are metaphors and can be picked up and dropped again. Have at least 6 dreams allowing some to fade and others take prominence at different times.
  • Once you have several created several dream stories, and they shimmer with clarity and color in your mind’s eye, you can begin the process of Backlighting.


  • This is a method of tracing the steps backward from your Dream Futures to the Present. Doing it this way you are always successful.
  • Explore how you actually were able to accomplish the extraordinary dreams you have just realized in the precise sequence that has enabled these miraculous events to come about, but in reverse order. For example, ask your self, relying on Brush (Interrogatory) Questions, such as: How was I able to accomplish this? What did I do a year ago to enable this to happen? then, right before that? Next, What was the sequence of preceding events? Who helped me most? Who did I talk to? What did they do? What was the secret to my success? Who were my allies on the way? What were the most helpful things they did? What resources and talents have proved most valuable on my journey? In What specific ways? How did this all come about? As you get close to the real present, ask more detailed questions. When you had this dream 15 years ago, who was the first person who helped you? What did they do? Who or what did they introduce you to? Who else got involved?  And so forth.
  • Pay attention to your inner voice. Be kind and gentle when you speak with yourself. You are simply curious. You are an explorer. The voice belongs to a deep part of you. The art of questioning is a technique called “appreciative inquiry.”
  • It is often valuable to join with a friend and explore each other’s dreams, inquiring appreciatively into the details of the dreams and back lighting..


  • Once you have your story or stories composed it is useful to write them down. You may want to identify key ideas, metaphors, images, phrases, or themes that keep occurring in your narrative. If you wish, you can send them in to www.explorersworld.com, and the Explorer’s World Smart Engine will then provide supportive feedback for your journey.
  • At times magical signs and signals will come to you, unannounced. A dream, a communication from an old friend, a chance discovery, a new opportunity. This is part of the fun of it. Have fun tracing this feedback with Your Personal Gyroscope.
  • Dr. Elspeth McAdam, M.D. is an English psychiatrist who was raised in Uganda where her father also a physician for a period served as Idi Amin’s personal doctor. Trained at Cambridge University in England, Dr. McAdam gave up her medical career to initiate a consulting practice. She spends her time assisting companies, organizations, and especially impoverished communities in poor countries to articulate and realize their highest dreams. Dr. McAdam is a pioneer of the Backlighting methodology.
  • Excerpt from © Julian Gresser, Piloting Through Chaos—The Explorer’s Mind Bridge 21 Press (2013), March 2013, All rights reserved.

Scenario Planning, Day-Dreaming, Appreciative Inquiry and Backlighting the Future

In scenario planning a group of analysts develops game-like simulations of possible futures based on various indicators. The method combines many factors in complex, non-linear ways often to produce surprising results. Scenario planners search for novel insights about the future, deep shifts in value, and disruptive inventions, and then by deploying systems-thinking they produce plausible story lines. Scenario planning is currently used in a wide variety of military and corporate settings.

A more imaginative, although far less well documented, strategy is the methodology developed by my friend, Dr. Elspeth McAdam. Dr. McAdam is a professionally trained psychiatrist with a medical degree from Cambridge University who grew up in Africa. She spends her time in retirement working with street children, who are often using drugs, and people living with HIV in East and Southern Africa, as well as other communities around the world.

Her technique involves exploring the Future by day-dreaming it and then by “backlighting” (dreaming from a desired future backwards, through a process similar to “appreciative inquiry”). Appreciative inquiry (AI) was pioneered by D.L. Cooperrider and S. Shravista in the 1990s. AI looks for the very best of what is and explores what makes this possible, and also seeks to identify the skills and abilities people have that have not been named or recognized before. Elspeth asks her clients to write them all down as she believes this is how identity gets created and expanded.

The American educational philosopher, John Dewey, suggested that identity is actually created through the identifying of abilities, skills and resources. Elspeth encourages her clients to dream future scenarios in which their capabilities are now fully and successfully embodied. “We are not interested in being realistic,” she observes, “but rather in tuning into the creative grammars that dreaming conversations will bring forth….. We find that the dreaming conversation itself creates the means whereby we become the things that we dream.” Once inside, Dr. McAdam’s dreaming process is very close, if not identical to, creative reverie, as described in the section on discovery engineering, enhanced by AI which itself closely resembles the Art of the Question. Dr.McAdam’s work with communities grows directly out of her family therapy work with sexually abused children for which she has become prominent. Based on a large data base on therapeutic cases spanning over thirty years, she has extrapolated her findings to applying creative dreaming, AI, and enhanced performance to communities around the world. She has lectured widely on this subject both in Europe and the U.S. She has also applied her methods to the design of new educational learning models working with schools in Denmark and Sweden.

Her language switches to a future/present, and the details in painting the dream are the secret: How are you able to do this? With which colleagues are you collaborating? What gave you the idea to do it this way? How are you feeling about this situation? The story line, its metaphors and grammar are all important. “There is an ocean of meaning in a drop of grammar.” She quotes Wittgenstein. The mood, context, and emotions all color the portrait.

After these embodied futures are vividly displayed, Dr. McAdam guides her clients back in reverse order to the Present. It is very helpful to do this with a partner. The backlighting sequence is also managed in a dream-like state. She works with her subjects to trace back, step-by-step, right up to the Present, the specific and critical milestones that enabled them to realize their emerging Future. At each stage they are re-living in the future/present in the precise details of what is happening: “What is the closest point before you arrived at success?” What happened before that?” “What challenges are you overcoming?” How are you doing that? Who, where, when, what, why, how,..?

The details limn the picture, the road map, indelibly in the brain. Many of the young people she works with in the shantis of South Africa went on to realize their dreams, especially the King of Thieves, as he was proud to call himself along with his merry band.

The King of Thieves, with Dr. McAdam’s assistance, developed not simply a vision, but also a living plan–we might conjecture a neuro-pathway, fueled by creative emotions and energy, which altered the probabilities of the venture. And that, based on our earlier summary of neuro-plasticity, is perhaps the secret to Dr. McAdam’s success.The Future, like the Past, becomes part of the practice of the Present, not in some vague ethereal way, but right at hand, inside our living brains. By focusing and emphasizing what is good and working well in her collaborators, and encouraging them to dream more fulfilled and happier lives, Dr. McAdam effectively sidesteps the ethical concerns that some will have with cold techniques associated with manipulating or engineering the future. The Explorer’s Mind is ultimately about living fully in this precious present moment which can encompass all that we dream or imagine, and even worlds more wonderful and strange than any of us today can suppose.

EW – Explorer’s Mind

The Explorer’s Mind


  • Your Explorer’s Mind is an energy vortex that enables you to connect everything to everything?
  • What if this energy vortex can be condensed in a single image of a liquid spiral ie. the enso on this page?
  • What if this enso can become smart and alive, your intelligent companion as you explore the world?

DISCOVERY QUESTION: How will your story begin?

GOOSE IN THE BOTTLE–An Explorer’s Parable

A great official, Riko, once asked the Zen Master Nansen to explain the old koan of the goose in the bottle.
“If a man puts a gosling into a bottle,” said Riko, “and feeds him until he is full-grown, how can the man get the goose out without killing it or breaking the bottle?”

Nansen gave a great clap with his hands and shouted: “Riko!”
“Yes, Master,” said the official with a start.
“See,” said Nansen, “The goose is out!”

Exploring the Parable

It is only a question of seeing and awakening. The goose is in prison.  Are you and I also in a daily prison of our needless fears, habitual behavior, untested assumptions, or countless stories–fragments of our creative imagination that cause us to suffer?

We stay in prison so long as we struggle with these stories, trying to solve them in our habitual ways. But what if we simply notice them and let them dissolve into thin air?

In working with the goose in the bottle what if you simply hang out with the koan, befriend it, as did the anthropologist, Diane Fossey, with her beloved gorillas?  In the beginning she tried hard, went after them, and they ran away. Soon, however, she learned a new way; simply to be with them, and they, in curiosity, approached her. Try hanging out with the goose in the bottle. Let your mind simply DISSOLVE into it. What do you discover? Post your insights on: https://www.facebook.com/julian.gresser

Introduction to the Enso—Liquid Spiral

You can begin to have fun creating your own enso. All you need do is visit your nearby art shop and buy a few brushes and sumie ink, and start playing! What if your enso starts becoming “smart,” feeding back insights to you as you enter and explore different realms of consciousness?

Here are some useful videos to get you going:

Application Opportunities

Application Opportunities

Self help/helping others


Enhanced performance

Health and wellness

Sports and Fitness

Exploration/citizen science

Corporate HR/health/wellbeing


Social action/volunteering


Advocacy—environmental, human rights, science


Qigong/Taiji/Eastern philosophy

Collaborative/social arts

Popular neuroscience

Corporate applications—leadership, strategy, negotiation, innovation, change management, strategic alliances, HR, mediation

Corporate/health and wellness

Big hearted politics

Spirituality/New Age

Integrative medicine (psychiatry)

New (Neo) Humanism

Celebrations and Festivals

Global Challenges (earthquake prediction, neurodegenerative disease, climage change, terrorism, breakdown of systems integrity.

Continuing Lifelong learning

Ethics (legal, medical, political, corporate)

Vital Santa Barbara’s Laughing Heart

Vital Santa Barbara’s Laughing Heart

The Laughing Heart Intelligent Guide offers every resident of Santa Barbara an affordable opportunity to increase personal health and well being in the next two years. It is the cornerstone of the Vital Santa Barbara Initiative, which was launched by a seed grant from the Santa Barbara Foundation in 2016.

The Guide contemplates a new field of scientific inquiry known as “Big Heart Intelligence.” We have arrived at a next frontier where the ancient knowledge of the extraordinary capabilities of the human heart can be creatively combined with 21st centurydiscoveries in neuroscience. This alliance of heart and mind can beneficially transform every field of human endeavor. The Laughing Heart Initiative may be the first attempt anywhere to apply these principles systematically to enhance the life of an entire city.

The Guide is based on 10 Essential Moves that are designed to help you experience, explore, and apply Laughing Heart directly. Each move is a portal of discovery that connects you to breaking good news The 10 Essential Moves are intended for all ages, ethnic groups, and communities of interest. The Laughing Heart Initiative will be introduced in a short course, “Creating Your Own Luck,”offered through the Center on Lifelong Learning on March 25.

What if the Guide Becomes Alive?

Imagine you can have your own personalized version of the Field Guide dedicated 24/7 to helping you navigate in the world. What if it can become:

  • A wise and trusted friend guiding you to make better decisions and to develop steadiness and balance in hard times;
  • A resource to engage with new friends and colleagues who share your passions;
  • A method to enhance your powers of perception and creativity;
  • A portal for continuous lifelong learning;
  • A means to cause acts of kindness and generosity to cascade in the world.
  • A chance to express your enhanced good health and exuberant vitality in any innovative way you can imagine.

Transforming an intelligent, interactive, and personalized Laughing Heart Field Guide into a community asset is among the highest and best uses of AI, machine learning, social media, and the Internet. The tools are readily available today. The costs have fallen to make the project financially feasible. With your help Santa Barbara can become a lighthouse for every other joyful and compassionate community in the world.

Please join us in celebrating Santa Barbara’s Laughing Heart Initiative.

Laughing Heart and Your Later Years


Laughing Heart and Your Later Years (50+)


How does Laughing Heart help us address the great challenges Aging?

Declining powers—even as our physical powers weaken, we can harvest new reservoirs of health, energy, strength, and vitality.

Vulnerability—when our heart opens, untapped inner resources become available. With the wisdom of our later years, we realize life has many colors and forms. By flowing with life, we are less vulnerable.

Relevance—Laughing Heart enables us to find new and useful applications for our special gifts and experience.

Meaning—By paying forward and bringing joy into the world, we discover new meaning in ordinary things.

Closing pathways—Some paths close with aging but others open. The wide world beckons for exploration and discovery.

Listlessness and Passivity—Laughing Heart can hold and sustain us when we feel listless and blocked by life.

Disengagement—When we are renewed, we have the energy to re-engage.

Loss of loved ones, of being cared for and caring—A Laughing Heart enables us to better bear the grief and sorrows of life and can nourish us in our darkest moments.

The End of the Story—Although there may be no definitive answers to our common story, we do have a fierce and courageous option: to leave this world with a great roaring Laughing Heart.

About the Author

About the Author

Julian Gresser is an international attorney, professional negotiator, inventor, and recognized expert on East Asia. He is currently CEO of Neurogenics, a corporate roll up focused on establishing a cornerstone biomarker panel to turn the tide in early detection and prevention of all neurodegenerative diseases within the five years. He is also Chairman of Alliances, a 501c3 non-profit organization that is implementing the public/private model within a new field of exploration, Big Heart Intelligence.

As a negotiator his most dramatic success involved helping a San Francisco-based trading company transform its $8 million after-tax branch into a $1 billion Japanese company in seven years. He has served as legal advisor to numerous U.S., Japanese, and European companies on a wide array of business issues, including joint ventures, limited (venture capital) partnerships, technology licensing, export controls and customs fraud, antitrust, and intellectual property protection, particularly patent infringement disputes. Julian Gresser has been twice  Visiting Mitsubishi Professor of Japanese law at the Harvard Law School and a visiting professor at MIT, Doshisha University (Kyoto) and the Beijing University. He has been a senior consultant to the U.S. State Department, The World Bank, The Prime Minister’s Office of Japan, The People’s Republic of China, and the European Commission (where he trained the Commission’s Japanese negotiating teams).

Julian Gresser is the author of four books, Environmental Law in Japan (MIT Press, 1981), Partners in Prosperity: Strategic Industries for the U.S. and Japan (McGraw Hill, 1984; in Japanese, Cho Hanei Sengen), and Piloting Through Chaos: Wise Leadership/Effective Negotiation for the 21st Century (Five Rings Press, 1996), (in Japanese, Ishi Kettei Isutsu no Hosoku–Koshodo no Gokui, Tokuma Shoten Publishing Company, Tokyo, 1997), and Piloting Through Chaos—The Explorer’s Mind (English publication: August 2013, Bridge 21 Publications), in addition to numerous articles in English and Japanese on technology, economics and law.

Julian Gresser is the innovator of a 21st humanitarian/business model embodied in the work of Neurogenics and Alliances for Discovery. The model is described in two recent articles Beyond Shared Value—Character as Corporate Destiny ; and in a visionary piece published in July 2016, “Seeing the Big Picture in Medical Science. Julian Gresser’s latest book, Laughing Heart™–A Field Guide to Exuberant Vitality for All Ages will be published in March 2017.

Footnotes and References

Footnotes and References


( 1) Shawn Achor, The Happiness Advantage—Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work 2010.

(2) Andrew Marvel, To His Coy Mistress 1681


(1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5d6e_Un6dv8

(2) Neurocardiology

(3) http://www.crystalinks.com/mummies.egypt.html

(4) See Li Jing, “The meaning of the Chinese cultural key word, xin.”(monograph linked)

(5) Robert Becker and Gary Seldon, The Body Electric: Electoromagnetism and the Foundation of Life (1985)

(6) Science Measure the Quantum

(7) Carolyn Purnell, The Sensational Past: How the Enlightenment Changed the Way We Use Our Senses 2017.

I. Experiencing Laughing Heart

Move # 1—Quieting The Heart

The Longevity Economy (pdf)

The Physiology of Tai Chi and QiGong

Bonus: Keith Jarret Shenandoah

Quieting the Heart: Last words of Stonewall Jackson: “Let us cross over the river, and rest under the shade of the trees.”

Move # 2—Finding Your Power—Becoming a Great Wave

(1) Surfing is closely akin to Laughing Heart. In both surfing and Laughing Heart we can step into a flow state as this great movie records. Step Into Liquid 

Move # 3—Discovering Beauty

(1) Neuroesthetics  International Neuroaesthetics Network

(2) Neuroaesthetics2

Move # 4—Connecting to Nature

(1) The following two interviews with Stephen Harrod Buhner provide deep insights into the role of heart as a communication center with all of nature. Two of his many seminal works are particularly relevant to the cultivation of Laughing Heart or Big Heart Intelligence: Plant Intelligence and the Imaginal World (2014), and The Secret Teachings of Plants (2004).

Stephen Buhner – Plant Intelligence and the Imaginal Realm: Part One

Exploring Laughing Heart

Move # 5—Downloading Creative Genius in Music

(1) Two useful references are: Don Campell, Music and Miracles 1992 and Don Campell, The Mozart Effect 1997. Also on Pythagoras and the harmony of the spheres

Move # 6– The Explorers Wheel–Connecting Laughing Heart with Everything

(1) Julian Gresser, Piloting Through Chaos—The Explorers Mind 2013

Move # 7—Enhancing Your Immunity by Love

Innate Immune System

Zhan zhuang

Neuroscience reveals the secrets of meditation’s benefits

Comprehensive Review of Health Benefits of Qigong and Tai Chi by Roger Jahnke (pdf)

Health Benefits of Qigong and Tai Chi

Thich Nhat Hanh How to Eat 2014

Movie—Love Actually 

Movie—Sweet Bean

Tango—The Dance of Heart

Move # 8—Paying Forward

(1) Science of Paying Forward

(2) Creating a Pay Forward Economy

Move # 9—Creating Your Own Luck

(1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGulRS2IyF8

(2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWuCXcoXNts

Move # 10—Realizing Laughing Heart Advantage through Emergent Art™

(1) Beyond Shared Value: Character as Corporate DestinyIt has been often observed that when we restore a sense of connection for a very ill person to his or her family and community, healing begins. I saw this first hand as a child when I visited Dr. Albert Schweitzer’s clinic in Lamberene, West Africa. The great doctor would encourage his patients to bring their entire household along with them—dogs, ducks, chickens, wives, husbands—to create a familiar and nourishing environment. (The director of the “modern” hospital across the Ogowe river lamented that very few villagers were coming for treatment, notwithstanding its advanced instruments and facility.) I relearned the principle many years later from my friend, the late Reverend Mitsuo Aoki, known as the “Mother Teresa of Hawaii. Dr. Aoki worked with dying cancer patients. Virtually all his patients he told me were spiritually at peace and happy in their lives, and many were in physical remission as a consequence, he believed, of the caring environment of his ministries.

(2) Cultural Vitality in Communities. See also, Grant H. Kester, The One and the Many 2011; another source is social practice art

(3) These will be part of Version 1.0 of the Laughing Heart app we hope to release by the fall 2017.

(4) Shawn Achor, The Happiness Advantage 2015