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Move #9
Creating Your Own Luck

Most of us navigate through life on the premise that there exists an “external” or “outer” world and an “inner” one, and they are divided somehow by our skin.

The separate “reality” of these two realms comes very early to our consciousness. It is helpful that we view the world this way. It is self-protective. Otherwise all manner of hostile visitors, people as well as microbes, might invade our space and do us harm. Although it is helpful, it is entertaining to realize this view is in large part a great fiction.

I came upon this discovery some years ago when designing the Graph program for the first edition of Piloting Through Chaos. I noticed that when I fell away from integrity, any “move” I made that helped me to reverse course would influence every other element in helping me to recover integrity, or as I defined it, my sense of connectedness and dynamic balance. But then, and here’s the point, I noticed wonderful things started to happen in my “external” life, when I regained a state of high integrity. They came to me, as it were, unbidden. With my new program I had a way to track the process. There is an axiom in biofeedback, a field I have studied deeply: what you can measure, you can influence. In biofeedback training the key to influencing is “passive volition,” the art of allowing or giving in control.

This simple exercise teaches an invaluable related life capability: “field independence.” In other words, by simply allowing things to happen and not attaching to them—whether good or bad—you begin to develop a sense of balance and equilibrium. You are no longer tossed around by other people, events, or circumstances over which you have no control, notwithstanding the illusion that you do.

This art is greatly refined when we add Laughing Heart consciousness to the mix.

Author’s commentary

Playing the Game

You can have fun exploring this new frontier by playing the Create Your Own Luck Game. Please review the two short videos (in the Footnotes) and print out the two included forms, and you will be ready to play. In the short form all you do need to do is to track three lines. The first bar is your external life. Above the line “Up” means “good” things are happening. “Down,” means the opposite. The second bar tracks your Laughing Heart state. “Up” means you are flowing, joyful, powerful, and happy. “Down” says you are overly busy, constantly in motion, and most importantly, stressed out. The third bar tracks paying forward. “Up” means you are taking some action to lighten someone else’s burdens or enhancing their quotient of joy. “Down” means you are unengaged, or worse. In the next few months we will be able to send you Version 1.0 of an app to trace and remember the “wave form” of your day, week, or month. It will enable you to discern the deeper currents in your life.

Some will argue that we/you are stacking the deck. In other words, the game is subjective—you are just “thinking” you see that this outer shift is “positive” or “negative”. Your personal view has no “scientific” significance. This challenge opens an opportunity to explore more deeply the question of “inner” and “outer” boundaries.

  • Of course, your experience is subjective, because your perception and awareness are expanding. What previously you might have concluded was an “adverse” event, you may now see as potentiating good things; conversely, you may be more careful not to become inflated by success, because you understand that good things in life are often momentary, and can give way to troubles. The key point is when you are more able to surf the waves, you begin to see the potential for light in everything. And the data becomes more reliable, because your propensity to delude yourself diminishes. I call this the “principle of increasing fidelity.”
  • Qi passes through boundaries. Some qi masters maintain that the qi moves faster than the speed of light. We are continuously bathed in qi. Laughing Heart is a state of high flow of clean, balanced, bright and powerful qi, infused with love. As you practice Laughing Heart you may discover that your integrity (or consciousness of boundaries) can be strongly maintained, even as the perimeter of the boundaries moves outward. This state is closely associated with a sense of powerful resilience.
  • What I believe may be happening in the Creating Your Own Luck Game is that players are tapping into what modern physics is calling “quantum entanglement.” Here is a short video explaining this concept. The core premise is that we are all, at least at a quantum level, profoundly connected. Is it possible that this quantum entanglement at times “seeps” into our “ordinary” state of awareness?

This brings us to a further question. What does it mean to say “you” are “creating” your own “luck”? The Game at least invites the interpretation that “luck” (from Middle Dutch, a shortened form of gheluc) ‎“good fortune” may be creating you as the reverse. Laughing Heart is both a dance and a conversation.

If qi can really move through walls and across space and time, and if you can learn how to influence qi fields by Creating Your Own Luck, what might be the larger implications of these discoveries for enhancing community health and wellbeing? What if you and I and all our friends and colleagues were to combine what we have learned and discovered from practicing the 10 Essential Moves in a continuous stream of creative expression? One result might be a new kind of community narrative we are calling “Emergent Art” introduced in Move 10.

Creating My Own Luck – Examples

Creating My Own Luck – Simple Form

Creating My Own Luck – Long Form

Adversity’s Spiraling and Creative Wave Form

Life has many colors and wave forms. The Art of Laughing Heart is to work with what is. In this way every moment in the wave becomes an opening and a gate. Here is how Laughing Heart can be applied in especially challenging circumstances.

The above diagram “Adversity’s Spiraling and Creative Wave Form” traces the hero’s and heroine’s journey. At the upper left an event occurs. It may be a slight shift we interpret as a movement “downward.” This gives rise to a vague sense of unease, an amorphous fear. Then, something untoward happens, and we see a pattern developing. We call this “bad luck” or “adversity.” Often the spiral intensifies. As Shakespeare writes in Hamlet “Sorrows come not as single spies but in battalions.”

We descend. Our journey into the wood becomes thicker and darker. We try to find firm ground, but we falter. Pretty soon we are approaching a place of despair.  King Lear (Shakespeare again) warns: “The worst is not so long as we can say, ‘This is the worst.’” At this final place without a name all we have left is a choice: to surrender and give up; or to accept what the world appears to be giving us, with a generosity of heart and with compassion to ourselves and others. And then, in these difficult straights there comes a moment of grace; a tender mercy in the form of a subtle shift– a kind act, a gentle word, a slight glimmer of light, a quiet recognition. If we can listen to the signal and hove to this glimmer of light, it will uplift us.

All of a sudden there is an opening, a loosening in the fabric. We begin to sense our power, inexplicably. We find our power inside our pain. Now we are on a creative upswing. More discoveries ensue; they come in flocks like butterflies. Our creative energies coil and thrust. We emerge, gloriously from the darkness, and arrive at a new and higher peak of life force and power. We are ALIVE! There can be no doubt of it, and our vessel is sturdier. Like ancient mariners in a storm at sea, we have held the tiller firm and found an opening in the waves. We have “Created Our Own Luck.”

Emotive Reaction Range? Hints: mystery, surprise, awe, wonder, magic, powers, not knowing, play, gaming, flow, surfing, skipping, letting go, giving in control, allowing, transformative, mercurial

  1. by Simon Fox, Director of Adventures in Caring.

    Adventures in Caring has been a pioneer for thirty years in bringing compassionate recognition and support to heroic caregivers whose services, often unrecognized and uncompensated, constitute one of the elemental pillars upon which civil society deeply depends.

  2. An Epiphany in Ravello

    At times as we journey through life something happens that is completely unintended and opens a new perspective, or brings into sharper resolution that which we already know but still perceive only faintly. This happened to me two days ago on a damp and dreary afternoon in Ravello, when under the grip of a dark mood I began regretting having traveled so far and the costs of the voyage. All the difficulties and challenges of launching so ambitious a professional venture again rose before me. As I looked out on the brooding Tyrrhenian Sea, I was suddenly struck by the extraordinary beauty of the scene and most powerfully by the “hole” in the clouds through which the sun was shining.

    And here arrived the first epiphany: a voice said to me, “Connect with your heart to the sunlight behind the clouds.” Fascinated, I began to explore this instruction, and immediately understood the metaphorical significance: we are always engulfed in darkness, and yet if we look closely, we may discover a sliver of sunlight. It is here where we must connect our heart.

    As I returned to the same place later in the day the clouds had parted a bit more, exposing even more brilliant sunlight pouring through.


    And then I noticed for the first time a gate in the original picture and then again after I took the second shot. I had no conscious intention of including this gate in either picture.

    The following day all the clouds had dissolved and the sun once again reigned brilliantly supreme.

    I continued to ponder this experience during the following night when several other epiphanies occurred.

    • I began to appreciate the beauty of the clouds as well as the sunlight.
    • I began to see the beauty of the clouds and the sunlight—the light and the dark together—as a metaphor of life itself.
    • I began to explore whether it was I who was viewing the clouds and the sun, or whether they were viewing me, or whether they and I were essentially one and the same.
    • I was once again reminded that the universe appears to speak to us in a secret metaphorical language contained in imagery, implicitly obvious in each moment, if we will only open our hearts and minds, and be quiet and still to see and understand the patterns.
    • I was grateful to my dark mood that set these ideas in motion.
  3. Irish Travel Blessing: (

    May the road rise up to meet you.
    May the wind always be at your back.
    May the sun shine warm upon your face,
    and rains fall soft upon your fields.
    And until we meet again,
    May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

    May good luck be with you Wherever you go, and your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow.

    May your days be many and your troubles be few, May all God’s blessings descend upon you, May peace be within you, May your heart be strong, May you find what you’re seeking wherever you roam.

    May you have the hindsight to know where you’ve been
    the foresight to know where you’re going
    and the insight to know when you’re going too far.

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